Friday, April 24, 2009

1 week left!

We are going on our trip in a week. And I have been getting more and more excited as the time got closer. But yesterday, it really hit me that we are leaving. And the more I think about how little time there is left, the butterflies in my stomach are starting to churn. I hadn't really ever realized how much work goes into making sure everything is taken care of when you leave. This is our first real trip together since our honeymoon, and we didn't have the house together then. But I have to pay several bills, clean, get a friend to check our mail, give contact information to my parents, etc. Not to mention planning our itinerary when we are on our trip. Once again, I have a new appreciation for all my parents took care of. Once these nit picky details are taken care of, I can't wait to go!

I finished up one of my college classes last night. It was supposed to end this coming Tuesday, but my teacher finished us up a half hour early last night! This leaves 2 more. 1 I will finish today, and the other....I'm not sure. Sunday afternoon at the latest. The end is in sight and I'm in go-go-go mode to be finished so I can focus on the stuff in the paragraph above!

Obviously I haven't been posting much this past week. I'd love to say it's because of school, but it's actually been because it's nice enough to do things outside!

I'm off to finish class number two. I'll update again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I hate all those little things you just have to do. I never really thought too much about getting plants til traveling then all of a sudden it becomes a battle to see who will water them.

    Hurray for almost being done with classes. I can't wait til they're done here. My campus pretty much shuts down in the summer.
