Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You Capture: Rustic

You Capture
This week's You Capture post theme is "Rustic." I was taken aback a bit. I had to look up "rustic" in the dictionary to have an idea of what to capture.

rus·tic: 1. Of, relating to, or typical of country life or country people. 2. Lacking refinement or elegance; coarse. 3. Made of unfinished or roughly finished wood. 4. Charmingly simple or unsophisticated.

I went out to capture some rustic surroundings...and it turned into a search for weird quirky things around town (not hard to find!)
An old wooden office. And our boardwalk from the beach.
Steps leading up to a house on the beach. And near the same house, a fence made from driftwood.

Go ahead and check out the other entries!


  1. Oh I love the old wooden office, especially with all the red trim.

    And the boardwalk looks rather sad like it's been ignored for far too long.

  2. I love the boardwalk picture! It looks like it had a lot of life at one point.

  3. These are great captures. I love the office.

  4. I really like the boardwalk going to the beach--looks like a beautiful, peaceful walk!

  5. What could be more rustic than a driftwood fence. All the pictures are good but that one really captures the essence of rustic for me.

  6. I love the driftwood fence! Driftwood is GREAT!

    Love your captures this week!

  7. you found some GOOD rustic views!

  8. Great shots! I think I want to move to alaska now.

  9. I love these shots! Great job!

  10. Wow! Those are all fantastic!!! I'm glad to see everyone sorta struggled with this topic. But even more glad that so many awesome photos came out of it! I really like the first one on the left. The red trim on the log cabin just looks fabulous!

    Unrelated - you live in Alaska? I so want to visit your state! When is the best time to visit?

  11. Wonderfully quirky and rustic, I love these pictures!
