Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Capture: Letters

You Capture
This week's You Capture post is all about "Letters". I have to admit, this one was harder than last week's. I'm afraid it's not too original.

My SIL drew in the sand for me without me asking her to!

I went to my hometown on Monday, and both of my parents work at the fire department there. So I drew inspiration from the vehicles. This one states, "Only you can prevent forest fires"

And "Ambulance" backwards.

Go check out I Should be Folding Laundry for more!


  1. What caught my eye in the first picture was the cliff in the background. Lots of color to contrast with the sand.

    For the longest time when I was a kid I couldn't figure out why they spelled things backwards on ambulances. I'm sure I gave someone a laugh when it was finally explained.

  2. Love the Ambulance one - great angle.

  3. Love ambulance. I have always liked looking at the backwards letters on those things :)

  4. I love the sand letters! That's really pretty.

  5. All your pictures are quite beautiful.

  6. Beautiful images ... that first picture is absolutely stunning!

  7. Nice shots! The beach is very scenic and the ambulance turned out great.

  8. i like the fire and ambulance letters! great job and i like how you presented them in tight and up close! good perspective.

    i have my you capture post up now, so come on by The Shadow of the Cross and check it out. i'd love to have you visit :O).

  9. Great shots, love the ambulance sign.

  10. These are very creative! Great work :)

  11. Great shots! I love that the 3rd one is "backwards" makes it more creative. :)

  12. The angles for these are awesome! Great captures!

  13. These are so great! I love the beach picture especially.

  14. Great captures! I love the beach picture--beautiful landscape!

  15. I love your first capture! It's so beautiful and sweet! The cliff in the background is amazing too!!
