Monday, March 9, 2009

What I Learned This Week 7

I learned several things this past week...mostly after I made last week's post!

- Don't mess with blog themes! I learned this one the hard way. Well, could have been worse. 've done a fair amount of coding and such in my time, so I'm not completely clueless, but I don't understand Blogger templates. I wanted to change my look up a bit and downloaded a free one. There was a warning to save all of my sidebar stuffs, and I did that, and downloaded my previous template. I switched over to a new template. It looked pretty awful. And Blogger would not cooperate in letting me change my fonts and such. So I reverted back to the old layout, to my dismay. I was able to quickly get my old widjets from the sidebar back up and running.

Then I attempted to add another column to my layout from a tutorial Musings had...but Blogger would not cooperate. However, I did go into the HTML of the old template and do some tweaking. No more of that nasty down-pointing arrow. I changed the colors of the layout to my old website's minty look.

- It takes nearly 12 months for me to go through a 12 ounce bottle of shampoo. I got some new shampoo and conditioner on our honeymoon 11 months ago, and the conditioner has been gone a month or so, but the shampoo has lasted this long...I think it has a week or 2 more uses out of it. Who would have thought it takes me that long to go through shampoo!

- I learned that I finally have a celebrity look a like! On a forum the other day, I got this question, "Is it just me or do you have a striking similarity to Natalie Portman?" The kid used this photo for a reference. I can sort of see a resemblance, but not a huge amount. What do you all think?

So there you have it. For more, go to Musings of a Housewife!


  1. I'm so with you on the shampoo/conditioner usage. I started using jumbo bottles of both soon after my 2nd daughter was born. The conditioner was gone within 6 months, but the shampoo lasted me almost until her 2nd birthday!

    Good luck with the coding, and take care!

  2. I have completely wiped out my blog before. I'm getting a bit better at it though. I like the "minty" look lol.

  3. I now have two daughters who are old enough to shower and wash their own hair - shampoo, condition and shower gel - none of them stand a chance!

    I have been known to hide "my stuff" before they take their showers!

  4. My shampoo lasts forever now too, it is strange. Don't know if I use less or what but it is wonderful.

  5. I'm so bummed my directions didn't work for you! Did you try the denim template? I'd be glad to help if you'd like. :)

  6. What I loathe is that there is no way to save links. You're pretty much just going to lose them every time you change templates. Why blogger hasn't thought ooh we should back those up somewhere is beyond me.

  7. I have made the same mistake with my blog layout before too! Very frustrating. But, a bloggy friend sent me a link to a great helpful site that puts things in the simpliest form for understanding and following. If you email the lady...she replies back with the answer to your question or problem. If you want the me.

    I am in the process of adding a 3rd column following her instructions. I've stopped twice because I had a question and glad I did because she told me not to do something blogger was asking me if I wanted to do. Wheeee!

    Happy Tuesday!

  8. Sheesh. I wouldn't mind be compared to Natalie Portman. Good for you!

  9. Too bad the new template didn't work for you, but I do like the "minty" color you have.

    What a great compliment to be compared to Natalie Portman!

  10. I haven't been able to get a 3rd column into my Blogger template either. I've tried various tutorials, and none of them ever work for me. They always tell me my codes aren't parsed correctly, or some such nonsense like that.

  11. i'd like 3 columns too. i've tried, and thankfully not lost anything. :) but it's no fun when you do!
