Monday, March 30, 2009

Things I've Learned in Marriage

I wrote this post in June of 2008 after I had been married for 2 months. I figured I'd bring some of it back for this week, and add some more! Our one year wedding anniversary is on the 4th of April, so I figured this was appropriate!!

Things I have discovered about living on my own and married life:
  • Doing the dishes can actually be an enjoyable past time..or at least tolerable.
  • Cooking is much more fun when doing it with your husband.
  • We buy a lot of ice cream. We went a week without some a few weeks back and that was horrible =P
  • You actually have to make and enforce a routine, otherwise it won't happen.
  • It's great having a husband who isn't afraid to kill spiders.
  • Grocery shopping is considered "cute" when you are newlyweds.
  • Getting asked about the married life several times a day gets old.
  • Living on your own is actually not nearly as hard as I was imagining it to be. I miss my parents and my cats, but I am pretty happy being moved out.
  • Not living with cats is a pretty sad existence (if you love cats), which is amplified when going to the in-law's place and playing with their cats.
  • Being married and taking care of yourself actually means you have less free time and time together (sometimes) than you did before...figure that one out.
  • Having 2 days off in a row together is such a blessing! (much more so than just one)
I would add now, 10 months later:
  • Those stereotypes I always heard about marriage? Yeah, it is easy for them to come true. That's where the work comes in!
  • Getting asked about when we are having children gets old after about the second time. Especially when it is people that don't need to know.
  • Living by ourselves is such a blessing. After babysitting for my in laws twice now, I definitely understand why you move out when you get married and don't have kids right away! Coming home to our own quiet place was so relaxing after those times!
  • Trying to do homework and actually focusing on it is hard on a marriage. There is not a lot of freedom to stop thinking about what needs to get done to spend time together that is rich.
For more of what others have learned, visit Musings of a Housewife!


  1. I loved this! Wait till you get to the 10 year mark!

    This was really cute. Thank you for sharing!

  2. all very true! Sounds like you are finding contentment in married life. Enjoy those years before kids -- I can hardly remember them now. :-)

  3. I love the first list, and the additional things you have learned since!

    I am nearly 17 years married (I obviously married VERY young) and lots of those still apply :)

  4. Great list and lessons. I've been married 15 years and my oldest is 8- I can barely remember the years before children but that's probably because having 3 boys is an exhausting joy.
