Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You Capture: Summer

You Capture
This week's You Capture post is all about "Summer." Summer is my favorite season! I love taking photos that chronicle Alaska's transformation to the warm days.

I see this view on my way home each night now. It is fascinating to watch the flowers bloom from the road!
Our neighbors are in the process of landscaping. What's more summer-y than yard work?
The cliche dandelion. I love these things though!
8:30pm sunbeams on leaves
We had quite the rain Sunday night that drenched everything, but then the sun came out!


  1. I love the dandelion shot...hmm, maybe my blog header gives that away... Lovely shots!

  2. Wow that garden is beautiful. Your shots are lovely.

  3. Beautiful. I love seeing Alaskan summer!

  4. wow that dandelion picture is AWESOME!

  5. That first photo is gorgeous. I wish I had that in my yard!!

  6. I love that dandelion shot!

  7. Amazing pictures from so far away! Its so interesting to see what Alaska really looks like this time of year. Nice job!

  8. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! I love the wheelbarrow so much! You're right, summer=yard work and I love to work in the yard.

    Your dripping grass is fantatic!!

    Great job this week :)

  9. Those are awesome!! Love the 8:30 sunbeams!!!

  10. You are so talented at taking those macro shots! Beautiful work! :)

  11. I love the dandelion shot! Great capture of summer :)

  12. I love the grass shot- very cool!

    I visited Alaska a few years back, in May and the weather was still trying to decide if it was still winter or summer. I thought Alaska was BEAUTIFUL!

  13. My gosh, there's so much in that first shot to look at! So cool. Beautiful captures of a beautiful place!
