Saturday, June 13, 2009

Vacation 2009: Day 11

May 10
Our last day of vacation! (well, sort of)

We woke up at our friends' house and got ready to head onto the plane. But first, we had to go to church!

Our friends go to school at Bethel church. We have heard so much about it, and really wanted to go. We went to church there that morning, and it was just awesome. The head pastor's son gave the message and it was an incredible one, full of thought provoking comments. The worship leaders were people whose music we listen to. It was really weird to be looking around the room, seeing tons of people that we have been hearing about for years, and even getting introduced to some of them.

Leaving the church
After the service, we went into the bookstore at the church, and it was insane how many cool resources they have in there. We bought a couple of books, and then we got taken to the airport.

Grandma and Grandpa showed up to see us off. We had lunch at the airport, but weren't able to hear the announcements over the loudspeaker. We suddenly heard that the last call for boarding was going out! We rushed to grab our stuff, said hasty goodbyes (unfortunately) and ran to security. We were the last on the plane, but we made it!

We flew into Portland and had a really long 6 hour layover there. My MIL had told us that a certain gate area in PDX had a cool little area with a food court, and shops. We found it after some time. We spent a lot of time browsing through a Powell's Books (!) but didn't buy anything.

PDX had really strange stuff all through it. Here were some fun stuffs on the ceiling.

We went into a grocery type shop, where we both got cookies :)

We had dinner there too, and just hung out. We read our books a lot, of course. And it was finally time to head back home!

It was pretty weird on the plane home to be watching the sky get lighter as we got north. We got in at midnight, but we could still see the after effects of the sunset from the sky at that point!

We met BIL1 at the airport who had our car. He took us to Safeway and we got some food to munch on for then and breakfast. We stayed up pretty late..2AM? Not sure. Much too late for a day like that, but it was fun! We were glad to be back in AK.

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