Monday, February 23, 2009

Going to see the Eagles

C and I woke up bright and early this morning to go see the eagles get fed. Turns out we were totally off on the time when they do get fed (10:30, supposedly) but they were still there with a whole bunch of photographers. But the sunrise was great!
I took a whole bunch of photos, and then took C to work. I had to be somewhere at 10, but until then...I went back out to the Spit and took more photos for another half hour. I got some better ones this time.
And now, I have the same moose from yesterday hanging out. I took several photos and movies of him. And continue to do so. The moose is doing strange things like eating snow. I think he's trying to get at grass under the snow. Although, we have a "stream" through the backyard and he was pawing at it, trying to get water. Who knows!
In the midst of this, it occurred to me to find my "tripod". C bought me a tiny tripod for Christmas a year ago and I hardly played with at all, despite wanting it for months. I just broke it out of its case and played with in front of my window with the moose. Pretty snazzy little thing, that is!

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