Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Kitties in my Life

I spent some time at my in laws' house today and a majority of that time was spent petting their cat Tigger. I thought it might be fun to introduce "my" kitties to you all :)This is Petunia. Her mama had her and two brothers in my parents' yard in the summer of 2003. They were wild, but my friends and I managed to catch them once to pet them and stuff. One of them was never seen again, along with the mom, but when two got older, Mom and Dad let me keep them...after I caught them. Tunia became my kitty. A big sweetheart who liked to sit on my lap, and also liked to drool on me. She was always skiddish, but after I moved out, she adopted Dad and is much less afraid of people. One of these days I need to get a great photo of her :)
Luv was born in 2000. We got him and his brother from a friend of mine. Ebony contracted feline leukemia in 2003 and so we had to put him to sleep. Luv is Mom's cat, rubbing up against her and loving on her. He's quite talkative, but a big sweetheart.
Orange Boy is just silly. He's Tunia's brother. He is quite jealous of the attention Luv gets, and when anyone pets him, OB comes running and butts in. He was always Dad's cat, but when Tunia switched her affections, OB became more reclusive. He's a huge fluffball. :)
Tigger is my in law's cat. C called him The Vampire for a long time because he was woken up by Tigger biting his neck sometimes. He's mellowed out a bit in his old age, and I think he has been ignored quite a bit there lately, because when I come over he won't leave me alone. Helps me get my kitty fix!
Lastly, this is Lily. She's silly too, in that she won't let you cuddle with her, pick her up or anything really. She's awfully soft, but she just runs away when you try to love on her. BIL5 is the only one she really "likes" and even he can't cuddle her sometime. At Christmas this past year she actually came and sat on my lap for some reason...We weren't sure if she was feeling ill or is just getting older ;)

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