Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We make good punch

Everything is fine from Redoubt erupting. Good for us, but not for everyone else, the ash headed north. However, soon after C and I woke up yesterday morning, the power went out many places, but it was completely unrelated to Redoubt. But it was a bit unnerving. We were without power for 2 hours, so C stayed home from work for it. I had been planning on trying out my new camera out to view the eagles. Third time is the charm, and we got to see them being fed this time. Pretty insane to see all the birds circling. I took some photos, and may upload them later.

C went to work right after we came back. And he called me later with an amusing story. He was supposed to go in today, even with the power out. But the phones were not working, so he was not aware. Once he got there, a lady in the office came down and says, "C, you get the attendance award!" He cracked up, since he was late this morning and went home sick last week. But honestly, he doesn't miss work. So he had the choice of a day off or $100. He took the money. We're getting a vacation soon, anyway.

For small group last night, we had an organized potluck. We made a yummy sherbet punch that everyone raved over. We weren't sure we would get it right, so that was cool. Our leaders had put two tables together and we all had chicken tetrazini (sp?), broccoli casserole, asparagus, french bread, cookies and cobbler. Yum yum! It was fun. Plus there were 3 babies to fawn over, and two little boys. We had all the entertainment we needed.

C had a cold last weekend. And I apparently got it. I started feeling bad before small group, but I knew that going would make me feel better for a while, by not thinking about it. But now I am hugging the kleenex box :( Ah well, it looks cold outside anyway.

I love how the entire world freaks out about the volcano, and once the initial drama wears down after an hour, my town was back to normal. At dinner last night, no one mentioned Redoubt at all, just the power outage. Life goes on.

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