Thursday, March 19, 2009

Link Love

Now it's time for another link love post....several months after I last did one...

Go Girl - Very strange thing I came across today...basically a cup for women to urinate in. Interesting idea I guess...

Fabulous Finacial's Emergency Planning Kit - A handy list of things it might be nice to have on hand.

Shade Clothing - modest clothing company. I really like the tank tops and camisoles. I'm thinking about getting one or two.

Google Holiday Logos - I don't know about you, but I love to see all the interesting ideas Google comes up with for their logo on holidays.

Wearable Airbag for the Elderly - Interesting idea.

To Improve your Marriage, Be Quiet - Older article that I found fascinating.

20 Architectural and Graphic Optical Illusions - Very well done!

How Stay at Home Moms improve Family Finances - For those skeptics out there

Ping Pong Balls Saved her Life - Modern medicine can't fix all :)

Photo: PacMan ghosts in the snow - Fun photo

Lunch Bag Art
- A fun blog of a dad who draws on his kids' lunch bags every night

Are we too clean for our own good?
- A sobering read on germs

Health paradoxes around the world - Strange things in different cultures that make you curious as to modern medicine's accuracy.

9 Year old boy writes dating book
- Cute read

Man's photo in Iron Man - Awesome story! A man had no idea that his photo was in Iron Man, despite repeated attempted contact about it.

Lady washing...a turd - Amusing story about potty training.

Puppies save boy - Older story now, but timeless. 2 puppies saved a boy in the freezing woods :)

An alarm clock that runs away
- I would loathe having one of these, but it's a very funny idea!

New Expansion Underway - Clever post on a man's pregnant wife.

Two girls painting their faces - Two little girls put blue makeup all over their faces. Amusing.

I think that is enough for now!

1 comment:

  1. So I've tried all of those "modest" tank/undershirt companies because they are based in utah, and my favorite by far are the ones by DownEast Basics. I believe they cost a little bit less, and they aren't as stretchy as the Shade ones which always ride up my belly. Just wanted to give you some feedback from someone who has tried them both!
