Monday, March 16, 2009

Surfing in Cold March

It suddenly got very chilly here. The sun is out, but it is windy and about 10 degrees.
Yesterday, I worked, as well as Saturday. The past week I have not had much resting time, as I have been very busy. Today is the start of my Spring Break...and while I still have homework, it is a big load off of my shoulders. Last night, I ran off to Mariner Park (where we got engaged) and took photos of the sunset. And this road sign.
This morning, I was going to go attempt to actually watch the eagle feedings, but I was running late, and then I could not get my gas tank open! My lever thing that opens it was frozen. I finally got it open, but by the time I did, there was no point in going to the eagles.
I drove out to the Spit anyway, and saw a man surfing. I thought these people were crazy, until I started seeing some of Scott Dickerson's photos of it, and explanations. They surf in bodysuits, often on some of the nastiest days. I pulled over, and stepped outside with my camera. The wind was gushing so bad that my photos were not coming out nicely, not to mention I was already about to freeze! I got back in the car and took photos out the window. I watched for 20 minutes before leaving. Right as I was about to go, the surfer caught a great wave and didn't fall and kept going. I shot about 100 photos on continuous mode and I want to make a Gif out of it. Pretty spectacular. But that must have been the last straw for the guy as well, since he was done after that. I left before he had climbed all the way up the rock wall, so I'm not sure who it was.

On my way home, I took a slight detour on a road near my place. C and I have been curious about it for a while. It is a new subdivision for nicer homes, and we have talked about going up the road to check it out. So I did. There were two ways to go, and the road that forked probably had houses, but at the top of the road, where I went, was a cul de sac with nothing...but a very nice view! I was pretty excited. I have been wanting to take nice photos from higher up than our place, but the closest place to do that is about 2 miles up a nasty hill. So this is perfect! It's not the greatest, nor the clearest, but I will definitely be able to get sunrise photos from up there!

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