Thursday, February 26, 2009

Twitter friends

I put up a several frames this's my friend wall. It's free for expansion, but it looks nice at the moment, so I am content.

Fairly complete family wall...missing an extra photo of 2 of C's brothers, but I don't see that as a priority at this point. It's not perfect, but it's slightly symmetrical...I put a few notes on the picture to explain some things.

When I joined Twitter, I was found by a foreign exchange student in turned out that he is friends with one of my friend's brother. I exchanged a few words with him, but not much more. Today, I helped out with "Feed the Kids" again. This time, we served spaghetti. My friend's brother walked by and said hello. Quite a bit later, this kid walks up to me and says, "Hi M!" I looked at him, with no recollection of who he was, and he said something about Twitter (in an accent, of course) and it took me a minute to understand what he had said. And then it dawned on me that it was my Twitter friend. How strange! But it was cool to put a face to the name.

In think that's it for now!

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