Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chicago 2012: June 19: Coming Home

We woke up around 7am and finished packing up. Mases took us to the airport and we said goodbye. We got through the long line of security no problem and then bought really expensive breakfast at one of those little stands, because the only other option was McD's.
We got on the plane and I ended up dozing off and on for 3 hours. When the flight attendant gave out drinks, I asked for orange juice and promptly fell back to sleep. When I finally woke up for real, I had a watered down orange juice cup on my tray....and it was disgusting. The lady sitting next to me gave me a weird look when I handed a full glass to the flight attendant, but after trying it, it was disgusting.
I was a bit peeved, because the flight was overbooked, and C and I's seats ended up being separate...both middle seats, he right in front of me. It was dumb, because no one wants to trade for a middle seat. There was no way to reassign the seats, even though I checked in for the flight right as soon as I could. They kept trying to get people to take vouchers to get bumped, and I even was asked about it as I boarded the plane. We could have technically done it, but the next flight would not be for several hours. If we only had to wait a couple hours, we likely would have taken the offer, but we both wanted to get home.
Stayed awake for the rest of the flight. The lady on the aisle seat next to me was a bit...large and kept invading my tiny space, which was annoying. But the flight was uneventful otherwise. It was faster than it was supposed to be, so that was a blessing.
We arrived and waited for C's brother to pick us up. We waited outside, and it was 68F there...but it felt like 50 to me. It took a little bit of time, but I was soon reacclimated and happy to be back.
C's brother had his daughters visiting, and he wanted some photos. We went to the Alaska Botanical Gardens, which I have wanted to go to for several years. I was unfortunately not impressed at all. It was very spread out, and there was hardly anything to see. The mosquitoes were awful, making photo taking a pain because someone was always slapping themselves when the other two looked perfect. *sigh*
We didn't last long due to the mosquitoes, but it was still fun. By the time we were finished, it officially felt hot outside to me :P We decided to leave town soon after and stopped at Subway for food for the road. It was exactly 5pm when we finally started down the freeway to come home. Traffic was heavy until Girdwood, and then it mercifully stopped. We got home after 9pm and it was so nice to be back!

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