Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Aurora Borealis March 6, 2012

I spent about 2 hours last night out looking for and then shooting a spectacular aurora show here in Homer, Alaska. The first picture was taken around 11:30 and the show lasted for around an hour. It calmed down for a while, and then I went home. It picked up again a bit, but I never saw it explode across the sky again. Enjoy and feel free to share :) Prints available of many of the shots.

There were a lot of clouds gathered to the north and I was disappointed, but they gradually dissipated and moved on, giving me a great show!

The moon was so bright that  it was a bit obnoxious, but it lit up the foreground and the Homer hillside beautifully, so I really couldn't complain too much!

Thanks for enjoying them with me!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is a sight I'd love to see firsthand someday! Not likely to happen here in Texas, huh? ;)
