Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas And New Years

Mud Pie!
We had a really enjoyable Christmas. I had to work Christmas Eve, but once that was done, we headed to my in laws' house. Everyone was there except BIL2, so it was a full house. We had a lot of fun and stayed till 2AM or so.

We played Scene It: Star Trek and I wanted to play with Voyager as my piece. I ended up winning the game...oddly enough!

Christmas morning, C and I opened our presents to each other. I got a camera remote so we played with it that morning.

The afternoon of Christmas, we drove out to my hometown to spend it with my parents and the three cats. Had a great dinner and opened gifts there, then C and I headed back home.

I got a new camera bag! It is really nice, but I'm not sure it is big enough. I have been spending my time juggling items to make sure they all fit lately.

I caught my dad's cold this week. It's been an odd one. I got a sore throat first. Now I have the cough and the nose stuff. But the entire time, I have been feeling fine other than my throat hurting, or my nose being stuffy. I've had lots of energy and stuff.

We went to see The Blind Side on Tuesday evening. It definitely lived up to the reviews. I can't recommend it enough!

For New Years, we went to Redhead's house. We watched Ocean's Eleven for kicks. Then at about 11pm, we went outside to their buried firepit and built a little fire. I had to go inside by about 11:30 as the cold was really affecting my nose. I went back out about 10 minutes later to ring in the New Year. It was fun seeing and hearing the different fireworks around town!

Saw the Princess and the Frog today. It was cute and fun to see hand drawn animation from Disney again! However, I was disappointed with all the voodoo in it. I had been told that it was there, but I wasn't expecting it to be a central theme and popping up every couple minutes. I felt it was a bit much for young eyes to take in. C and I were definitely creeped out by it! All in all it was a cute story though.

Well, it's hard to believe it's 2010, but here it is!

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